Rain rain go away, come back only if we have xRide!
Who would have thought the end of July & the start August would be so wet? Activity on the equestrianX website picks up each time it rains, as people start to remember how their surface forms puddles in the wet.
Check out the before and after images to see how xRide has revolutionised some old surfaces that had puddles previously..
West Sussex - Diane Grinyer
Hampshire - International Grand Prix Dressage rider
Remember - If you have puddles while re building your arena drains is not an affordable option, consider an upgrade with an xRide topper. xRide reduces puddling and of course freezing (it's the water that freezes in sand).
With an xRide topper -
"You might just find it becomes a permanent solution..."
International Grand Prix Dressage Rider Nicola Buchanan
For more information www.equestrianX.com
Or contact Harvey Buchanan on 07808 821960 for an informal non obligation chat about your surface requirements.
Time to ride? ☔️🌧❄️ "Time to xRide"