Life before xRide
Well this winter we have seen some older arena's come back to life. From surfaces that were just dead to ride on, would freeze solid and/or take lots of maintenance. Through to some surfaces that looked like they had been abandoned 30 years ago following a nuclear war!
One surface that's stands out was in a beautiful part of the Dorset countryside, built on a chalk hill. It had been abandoned and neglected for many years. However, the property gained a new owner, who decided to breath some life back into this hidden gem.
With a bit of graft by the new owner, the rotten wood chip surface was removed; we don't like xRide to go down on top of wood chip, it will work for a year or two and then the wood chip becomes a disaster as it rots into a sloppy mush unable to breath under the xRide topper. Just remove and replace.
The new surface of xRide arrived on the Articulated truck, and the mega bags were unloaded by the friendly local farmer. The beauty of this method meant the bags could be quickly unloaded and taken up the tight and steep gravel track, where they were positioned evenly on the arena chalk base.
That afternoon we received, the image above with its accompanying message.
The whole surface was laid, by one very focused lady that afternoon; proving how straightforward putting xRide down can be, if you are prepared to go for it!
xRide is cost effective to buy and to lay. However, just because it's cost effective, it doesn't mean it won't perform, just ask any xRide client.
From private yard, commercial riding school to International Dressage yard, there is a cost effective xRide solution waiting to be delivered.
We can usually deliver in 2 weeks, so why wait?
Time to ride... time to lay xRide